This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jusco SALE!

Jusco SALE!

Rushed for the sale right after school. Shopped like nobody's business for 6 hours! xD  The dresses on display last year was better than this year. 

Tips for Shoppers : The best outfits are found in between the clothes at the Pregnant Ladies            Section. 

I bought like 5 outfits. It was pretty fun, but after a few hours, myself & Aishy really couldn't 'tahan'. So we decided to sit on the floor near the 'Arcadia' clothes section. It was sorda funny though, cause'  everyone who passed by, kept staring at our awkwardness. So, anyways, after shopping, we bought some 'Papa Roti' & headed to the rooftop where our car was parked. Snapped many, many photos there. The jumping shots didn't really work though. 

Overall, it was FUN. Really tiring, but fun. Can't wait for next year's SALE! :D

Shopping ROCKS! ♥

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